Saturday 10 December 2016

Maintaining A Lasting Relationship

         Save Your Relationship From Break Up

  The issue of failed relationships and why they fail is one that has been receiving best of attention for a long time now. for some reasons quite a number of new factors have emerged to threaten the peace and stability of relationships. There are several
important factors that defines
 the stability of every relationship. When these factors are neglected, it becomes easy for things to go very wrong between couples. To be plain,no relationship can last without the right amounts of communication, trust, compromise, efforts, time, compatibility, loyalty, affection, and space. Lacking any or some of the aforementioned factors in any relationship is one easy way of driving the relationship towards the rocks.
    One of the biggest reason why relationships do not work out in the long run is because at one point, one side (or both) stops trying. Before one claims another person as their significant other, they would do anything to make that person happy. They would chase, they would flirt, they would be charming. They would send daily morning and goodnight texts every time you wake up or go to sleep. They would write corny messages and pick up lines just to make sure that there is a smile upon your face. But once they claim you as theirs, all of those things eventually stop. The 5 page texts slowly turn into 1. The constant calls turn into not calling at all. And the lovely endearments turn into daily arguments. In order for a relationship to work, don’t ever stop chasing. Just because the person you want is now consider “yours”, it does not mean they deserve anything less than the time when you’re trying to win them over
 There are times in your relationship when things won't work out well as they should, and neither you nor your partner should take the blame. As the years go by, the things that once held the two of you together in the relationship may start losing their grip and effectiveness. You suddenly find the bond fraying despite making the normal amount of efforts and contributions make things work in your relationship. Things like change of environment, friends or financial fortunes can also eat up the strong bond that was between you and your partner

     Another vital clue to lasting relationship, "COMPROMISE"  Compromise is another very important factor in every relationship. The two people involved in the relationship must be ready to compromise at some point to make things work. Holding on to past wrongs will never help build a strong relationship between you and your spouse. Finding faults and bringing up past wrongs very often kills the passion you once had for your partner and lead to the arms of someone else; while distrust is one factor that has contributed to why relationships fail. It is important you learn to trust your partner. Even when you have any reasons to be suspicious, it is still advisable to talk things over. Factors such as lying to your partner can build distrust. Be open and sincere at all times to leave no room for unnecessary suspicions and jealousy. One mistake people make in their relationships which often lead to the collapse of the relationship is cheating on their partners because they believe he or she had been cheating on them. If you suspect anything, don't act without getting your facts right.

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